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FlexibilityLast week we looked at how we can improve our focus on and off the golf course to improve our scores. The next key to fitness in golf is your flexibility. Flexibility is essential for golfers of all ages, shapes, and sizes. If you are unable to complete an effective backswing, your whole golf swing may be thrown off. Take PGA Tour Pro Miguel Angel Jimenez for example with this stretching routine (note: cigar is optional).

As you can see from Miguel, stretching before your round can be enjoyable. Stretching before your round is a great way to get loose, but you can and should do more to become more flexible on the golf course. There are many different types of exercises you can do at home that only take about ten minutes of your time. To see results, you should perform these flexibility exercises at least four times a week. Before you begin your golf stretches, you might want to perform some light activity for five to ten minutes to warm up. It is important to keep it simple, stretching is not meant to exhaust you, just get you loose.

Stretch #1: Wrist and Forearm Stretch

Reach your arm out with your palm pointing up, keeping your elbow straight. Use the opposite hand to bend your wrist down to stretch it. Repeat on the other side.

Stretch #2: Shoulders

Standing in your golf stance, hold your left elbow with your right hand. As you begin simulating your backswing, bend your left wrist toward your left thumb. Next, pull on your left elbow until you can feel the back stretching.

Stretch #3: Upper Back

Kneel on all fours and extend your arms forward and lower your chest to the floor. Extend your shoulders and press down on the floor with your arms to create an arch in your back. Hold for 20 seconds.

Stretch #4: Side/Oblique

With your feet slightly apart and aligned with your shoulders, lift your left hand and stretch it to the side over your head. Hold and repeat with your right arm.

Stretch #5: Hamstring

Lie flat on your back with your legs extended. Raise one leg and hold your thigh with both hands. Keeping your leg flat and knee extended pull the leg toward your chest and hold.

Stretch #6: Quad

Standing up, hold onto a bar or table for support with your right hand. Slowly lift your left leg from the ground and hold with your left hand. Pull your heal closer as you inhale and hold.

These exercises may be more difficult depending on your flexibility level. You will begin to notice your ability to complete these exercises improve dramatically after just a couple of weeks. A supplement to these flexibility exercises are abdominal exercises. If you can dedicate another 15 minutes to work on your core, your flexibility and balance with improve dramatically.

Next week we will use our flexibility to add strength and power to our golf swing to get those extra yards out of our swing.

#Golf   #Fitness   #Flexibility   #PGA Tour

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